A play that follows the story of a couple...
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Théâtre de la Loupiote (de Ste Flaive des Loups)
Play by Laurent Contamin.
Directed by Christophe Sauvion, from the Grizzli company.
"Sweet summer sweat
Laurent Contamin's fine, tender writing, bathed in humour and pleasing simplicity, which won him the Journées des auteurs de Lyon prize in 2011, examines the image of the couple.
A couple that recurs in seven sketches, Franck and Lou, in which we can't disentangle the part that's true, the part that's false, the part that's...
Play by Laurent Contamin.
Directed by Christophe Sauvion, from the Grizzli company.
"Sweet summer sweat
Laurent Contamin's fine, tender writing, bathed in humour and pleasing simplicity, which won him the Journées des auteurs de Lyon prize in 2011, examines the image of the couple.
A couple that recurs in seven sketches, Franck and Lou, in which we can't disentangle the part that's true, the part that's false, the part that's...
Basic price adult
Opening times
On 7 December 2024 at 20:30