Wednesday 12 march from 20:00 to 20:50


  • Performance
  • Children's activities
  • Music
Théâtre Municipal, 22 Rue Rabelais, 85200 Fontenay-le-Comte
Family // Voyages en percussions was born of the human and professional complicity between two percussionists, Mano Morel and JeanPhilippe Naeder.
For more than 20 years, they have been working with a wide range of artists in the world of chanson, jazz, African and Afro-Caribbean music, as well as taking part in numerous school projects.

The show takes the form of extracts from travel diaries: spiritual India, the Brazil of carnival and samba, fascinating Africa, each stop providing a pretext for an anecdote, a tale, and a number of musical sequences combining instruments that are sometimes familiar, such as the djembe and the congas,...

Opening times

On 12 March 2025
  • 20:00 at 20:50


Théâtre Municipal, 22 Rue Rabelais, 85200 Fontenay-le-Comte
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